
August 1, 2006

Online Music Environment Kit - MUSOO 0.2

本日,Online Music Environment Kit - MUSOO 0.2をリリースしました.MUSOOは,オンラインで音楽を管理・配信し,音楽を通じてコミュニケーションするための,オープンソースのアプリケーションソフトウェアです.まだ基本機能が整ったばかりの段階ですが,一歩一歩構想を実現していきたいと思っております.


  • 作品(mp3とimage)は全てオンラインで管理.
  • 感覚の趣くままに,"聴きながら"音楽,画像,歌詞を構成・配信.
  • ユーザが聴きながら構成したとおりに音楽を配信. ブラウザが心地よいラジオに.
  • MUSOOの音楽配信データはRSS2.0拡張として提供され,Podcastingと互換.



Online Music Environment Kit - MUSOO 0.2 has been released.MUSOO is a open source online music environment kit for playing, listening, distribution and collaboration. MUSOO is designed for just enjoying music on the Web.

Features are ...

  • Manage your numerous fine works ( mp3 and images files ) on the Web.
  • Masu-up and compose your musics, pictures and lyrics as your feeling dectates.
  • Visitors will listen to your musics just as you compose. The music player provides visitors with the listening environment like fine radio with visual effects.
  • MUSOO generates your composing information as RSS2.0 document that is backward compatible with Podcasting.
  • Podcast clients are available like iTunes that allow visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed and automatically download your playing to their portable audio devices.

Project site

January 31, 2006

Music publishing platform 001

I envision the platform enable individuals and groups to publish musics simply on the web. Although we might say that there have been a lot of ways to do it, actually I think that the circumstance for personal publishing of music has not been so rich, compared with text and image which weblog systems and online photo management and sharing system have been facilitated. I have friends who have many sounds and songs. I'll attempt to build the platform they can use with facility.

I have two challenges.
1. How to build smart and cool system for online management and publishing of sounds.
2. How to design the structure for listening, it's comfortable and expansive on the web.

 ラボでの個人プロジェクトとして,個人やグループがWeb上で音を配信するためのプラットフォームを作ってみたいと考えている. 何を今更,Podcastingやそれに準ずる方法・手段が既に溢れているではないかと言われても仕方がないが,Weblogシステム,写真共有サイト等が普及することで扱いが容易になったテキスト・画像に比べ,音のパブリッシュ環境というのは案外貧しい状況なのではないか.

