redditの/r/japan セクションにあった質問
I'm a bit interested in the culture and lifestyle of Japan and I wanted to see what the internet and websites from Japan are like. Is there a way to access the Japanese internet from the USA?
ベストアンサー by kabajingai
Yeah unfortunately the country who introduced 2Gbps last year doesn't know much about the internet yet and has no websites at all. For someone who spends a lot of time in Japan - can you tell me about this Inter-net thing? It might help some of my colleagues in the Tokyo office to grasp this amazing concept. Maybe they can create websites and stuff in their own language, with the top-level domain .jp? HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE??
日本に長いこと住んでる自分たちのために - このインター・ネットとかいうやつをちょっと説明してくれないか? ひょっとしたら東京オフィスにいる同僚たちがこの素晴らしいコンセプトを把握できるかもしれない。そしたら、トップドメインは.jpとかでどうだろう? その下に、彼らの言語でウェブサイトを作ったりすることもできるかもしれないよ。それって凄くない??